In "Churches" I look for love and acceptance in a world that appears to be abandoned. My ideas for Churches started as abandoned places; how they were once fulfilled with happiness and love, and suddenly they are abandoned with little to no explanation. I think of my mind in comparison to an abandoned church where I aimlessely wander around in search of acceptance, love, and peace. This album is very personal to me as it captures the everyday battle I have with myself. Carrying over ideas from songwriting in "Lucid," I sing about the heartbreak of a past relationship and how someone can hurt you so terribly. "Even after all the pain we've had" you're still stuck wondering "when will I see you again?" In "Crazy," "Vacancy," and "Confessional" I talk about the abandoned church in my mind and how it makes me feel and view things on an everyday basis. It also explains how everyone leaves at some point, some without any explanation - similar to that of an abandoned building. This then leads me to "Imprisoned." In Christmas Eve, Cutting, and Shampoo, the similar ideas of wanting to stay with someone - regardless of how they make you feel or what they do - is evident. This album really captures my personal struggle, but what I believe others can relate to as well. -Scarlett